Maritme PatrolMilitary AircraftRoyal Air Force

Neptune MR 1

The RAF  received Neptunes in the early 1950s as the British industry failed to deliver competent aircraft in time. The Royal Air Force therefore operated the P2V-5 Neptune, designated Neptune MR.1s as a stop-gap maritime patrol aircraft until the Avro Shackleton entered service.

Photo: / Peter de Jong Collection

The P2V-5s had US Air Force rather than US Navy serials, 51-15914 in the case of WX493. Photo believed taken before delivery to No 217 Sqn in January 1952 at the Squadron’s new base, Kinloss.

Squadrons which operated the Neptune

36 Squadron
203 Squadron
210 Squadron
217 Squadron
236 Operational Conversion Unit

Neil White

Former team leader on the Nimrod MR2. Flew fisheries protection for the MMO and Marine Scotland. Failed attempt with an aviation start-up. Flight dispatcher at Exeter Airport.

Neil White

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